
Sometimes, you need to pass through that fire

By adding dimples to the ball, golf ball manufacturers minimize drag forces that pull back on the ball or slow it down



The fire is hot and it’s just instinct to want to avoid it but sometimes the best version of us needs to pass through the fire.

We graduate from school by passing tests, assignments and exams, we get the medal in life by passing the life tests at different stages, some without stress and some through some real fire. The bigger the fire though, the bigger the reward can get.

Why is the golf ball not smooth, have you ever asked yourself? I believe they must have made the first ball to be very smooth but it didn’t give the best result so they kept tweaking it.

And then they added some bruises (dimples) and c’mon the right ball that would go farther without being pulled back was created. According to the golf ball story “By adding dimples to the ball, golf ball manufacturers minimize drag forces that pull back on the ball or slow it down”

Don’t be afraid of the process, the fire that will sharpen you into new levels, through the fire is the new you. Sure there might be bruises, but they are to make you stronger and more valuable.

You probably need the pain, the fire for you to go further in your life and achieve your destiny – Embrace it!

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