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Believe in the beauty of your dreams

Go for a dream that puts your stamp on the world



Eleanor Roosevelt

Eleanor Roosevelt was one of the US First Lady’s but the only one that was tagged with the “First Lady of the World” during her time due to her beliefs. Her famous quote “the future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams” is what I leave you with today.

The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams


Your dream cannot be small, your dream cannot be just about you, your dream must be one that drives you to leave a legacy. Believe in the beauty of your dreams today and the future will literally conjure its forces to work in your favour tomorrow.

According to Wikipedia, Anna. E.Roosevelt was the first presidential spouse to hold regular press conferences, write a daily newspaper column, write a monthly magazine column, host a weekly radio show, and speak at a national party convention. She had a lot of firsts in her time.

If your beliefs include the happiness of people around you, then keep moving for we will celebrate your firsts and your greatness soon, very soon.

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